Frequently Asked Questions on the Firms, Website, and RFP
For Firms
What is AILFN?
AILFN (the Association of International Law Firm Networks) is a nonprofit trade association that promotes all law firm networks.
Is there a charge for receiving a potential referral?
There is no charge at any point of the RFP process.
How were we selected?
Firms were selected based upon their membership in one or more global, regional, or specialty networks. Only networks with an established vetting system for members qualify.
Do we have to respond to an RFP?
No. RFQ responses are optional, and depend upon your expertise and interests. If your firm does have the expertise and is interested in pursuing a referral, please respond. Each referral is recorded on your firm’s online dashboard for future reference.
Who at our firm can respond?
If the designated firm contact cannot respond, the inquiry can be forwarded to another attorney or to a business development department. All responses are recorded on the firm’s dashboard for future reference.
What are the different types of referrals?
The referrals will be business-related. The minimum value of referrals that you would consider are set by you when establishing a user profile. You can receive all referrals or select a minimum value ranging from $5,000 to $50,000+. Additionally, you can change the acceptable value of referrals or stop receiving referrals at any time.
Who can make a request?
RFQ is open to anyone. Our objective is to promote RFP to corporate counsel and international firms that need a firm in jurisdictions where they do not have offices.
Will we know who is requesting our qualifications?
Requests can be made with the requestor’s name and company, or anonymously. If your firm is selected, the client’s name will be provided for conflict checks.